Driving Directions to Madeline Island Vacations
Please Click on the Google Map "Directions" arrow below; and, you will be prompted to enter your starting address. Your destination
address will auto-fill in the address to the Madeline Island Vacations office: 864 Fort Road, La Pointe, WI 54850
**Please note that Fort Road is the same as Main Street once you are on Madeline Island**
address will auto-fill in the address to the Madeline Island Vacations office: 864 Fort Road, La Pointe, WI 54850
**Please note that Fort Road is the same as Main Street once you are on Madeline Island**
Suggested Driving Direction to Bayfield, WI – then twenty minute ferry ride to Madeline Island!
From Minneapolis/St.Paul (approximately 220 miles):
I 35 to Duluth, MN; exit I 35 to US Hwy. 2 East; US Hwy. 2 East to Ashland, WI; WI Hwy. 13 North to Bayfield. Approximate drive time is 4 hours.
From Chicago (approximately 470 miles):
I 90 to intersection with I 39 at Rockford; I 90/I 39 to the Portage, WI exit; I 39/US Hwy. 51 to Hurley, WI; US Hwy 2 to Ashland; WI Hwy. 13 to Bayfield. Approximate drive time is 8 hours.
From Milwaukee (approximately 370 miles):
I 94 to the Portage, WI exit; I 39/US Hwy. 51 to Hurley, WI; US Hwy 2 to Ashland; WI Hwy. 13 to Bayfield. Approximate drive time is 7 hours.
From Madison (approximately 320 miles):
I 90/I 94 to the Portage, WI exit; I 39/US Hwy. 51 to Hurley, WI; US Hwy 2 to Ashland; WI Hwy. 13 to Bayfield. Approximate drive time is 6 hours.
Entering Bayfield from the South:
Follow Hwy 13 into Bayfield and turn right on Rittenhouse Avenue. Proceed into town and across First Street to North Front Street and take a left, which is a one way. Proceed on Front Street to the stop sign and take a right on Washington; then take an immediate right into the Madeline Island Ferry Line parking lot.
Entering Bayfield from the North:
Follow Hwy 13 into Bayfield and turn left on Washington Avenue. Proceed one block and take a right into the Madeline Island Ferry Line parking lot.
Once on Madeline: After de-boarding from the Ferry onto Madeline Island take a left on Main Street (map calls this Fort Road). Follow Main Street up to the corner and follow the curve to the right. Take the first right into the driveway Madeline Island Vacations office will be directly ahead.
From Minneapolis/St.Paul (approximately 220 miles):
I 35 to Duluth, MN; exit I 35 to US Hwy. 2 East; US Hwy. 2 East to Ashland, WI; WI Hwy. 13 North to Bayfield. Approximate drive time is 4 hours.
From Chicago (approximately 470 miles):
I 90 to intersection with I 39 at Rockford; I 90/I 39 to the Portage, WI exit; I 39/US Hwy. 51 to Hurley, WI; US Hwy 2 to Ashland; WI Hwy. 13 to Bayfield. Approximate drive time is 8 hours.
From Milwaukee (approximately 370 miles):
I 94 to the Portage, WI exit; I 39/US Hwy. 51 to Hurley, WI; US Hwy 2 to Ashland; WI Hwy. 13 to Bayfield. Approximate drive time is 7 hours.
From Madison (approximately 320 miles):
I 90/I 94 to the Portage, WI exit; I 39/US Hwy. 51 to Hurley, WI; US Hwy 2 to Ashland; WI Hwy. 13 to Bayfield. Approximate drive time is 6 hours.
Entering Bayfield from the South:
Follow Hwy 13 into Bayfield and turn right on Rittenhouse Avenue. Proceed into town and across First Street to North Front Street and take a left, which is a one way. Proceed on Front Street to the stop sign and take a right on Washington; then take an immediate right into the Madeline Island Ferry Line parking lot.
Entering Bayfield from the North:
Follow Hwy 13 into Bayfield and turn left on Washington Avenue. Proceed one block and take a right into the Madeline Island Ferry Line parking lot.
Once on Madeline: After de-boarding from the Ferry onto Madeline Island take a left on Main Street (map calls this Fort Road). Follow Main Street up to the corner and follow the curve to the right. Take the first right into the driveway Madeline Island Vacations office will be directly ahead.